Friday, March 29, 2024


 B3yond Mark3ting follows The Laws of Creation.

This is the first thing we have to be clear on.
And in the context of The Laws of Creation, "You can have, do, or be anything You wish to have, do, or be".
This is something that Joe Vitale that I've mentioned in some of the previous posts likes to say.

(If this is the first post on this blog you're reading, You're advised to read some of the other posts to properly put this one into context.) 

"You can have, do,  or be anything you want" is the main message of "Spiritual Marketing", written by Joe Vitale.
It is also the main message of most of his books. Whether it be  "Attract Money Now" or "The Attractor Factor", all books written by Joe Vitale, the message is always the same.
Of course, it's been all explained in the context of The Law of Attraction. But if you've read the post that's just before this one (which you are invited to do, if you haven't already), You would notice that another way of understanding it has been suggested.

In the context of B3yond Mark3ting, it's all about The Laws of Creation. And the Laws are stated as follow:

Thoughts are Creative.
Words are Creative.
Actions are Creative.

Therefore, You are always invited to Think, Speak, and Act accordingly to whatever You wish to Have, Do, or Be.

That's the whole Secret.
That's the whole approach.

Keep in mind, You can always contact me to converse regarding anything and everyting presented here in this blog.
I can be found on the many Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc.
All my links can be found here:
I can also be reached via email:
Also, the whole approach behind B3yond Mark3ting takes the form of what I refer to as "Aikizendo" and has been introduced in the book that can be found in this following link: The Sound of Silence eBook : Zendo, Ernest: Kindle Store

And always... You can Have the Business You want, Do the Marketing Your Business needs, AND Be the Marketer Your Business needs You to be.

Monday, March 18, 2024


Ok, as usual, I'm going to be very direct here. Firstly, I'm going to assume that you're familiar with The Law of Attraction, or that you've at least heard of it. So, I'm not going to get too much into it.
There are already too many authors and speakers who've done so. 
As an example, Joe Vitale, that I've talked about here before in other posts, has written about The Law of Attraction multiple times. He's got a lot of books about that.
The Attractor Factor.
Attract Money Now.
Spiritual Marketing.
All of these books, to name a few, are about the Law of Attraction. And there are so many references in these books of other authors and speakers that are all about... The Law of Attraction.

So...I'm not goign to get too much into this here.
I'm going to be brief about it.

What I mean about Forget The Law Of Attraction is not to ignore it or to pretend that it's not so. What I'm saying, or trying to say, is that You should rethink it.

Let me explain.

The very basic concept of the Law of Attraction is this: You Attract what You Think.
That's it.
That's the basic idea.

Now... I understand that this may not be a concept that's very easy for everybody to digest. Some people may find it difficult to accept as part of their reality.
So...I think this might be because of the way it's conceived. In such, I'm suggesting a different way of understanding that reality.

If you search for the Law of Attraction online, this is what you'll find on Wikipedia: 

"The law of attraction is the New Thought spiritual belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.[1][2] The belief is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are made from "pure energy" and that like energy can attract like energy, thereby allowing people to improve their health, wealth, or personal relationships. "

Then, it goes on and says: 

"There is no empirical scientific evidence supporting the law of attraction, and it is widely considered to be pseudoscience or religion couched in scientific language. This belief has alternative names that have varied in popularity over time, including manifestation and lucky girl syndrome."

That second part is what I was telling you about it being difficult to digest for some.    

The Alternative: 

You Create Your Reality with Your Thoughts, Words, and Actions.
And this is true of EVERYBODY.
You are in a process of Co-Creation. You're creating Reality on these three levels as much as everybody else is doing the same.
I'm not going to explain the whole concept here. I'm just giving you the basics of it.
There is a book that I'm currently working on in which I try to explain most of what I'm saying here. It's called "Creative Living". And, if interested, You can always contact me via email and engage me on that. As always, You can do so here as well under this post. We can interact and go over what I'm saying. You can find me on Social Media and engage with me there as well.
I'm there. 
You can find all my links here:
Contact me. 
Engage me.
Discuss with me.
I'm all for it.
Once this book is available, I will be sharing this here as well. In the meantime, You can get a little bit of the Philosophy behind my Way of Thinking, Speaking, and Acting here: The Sound of Silence eBook : Zendo, Ernest: Kindle Store
This is not a book you just read.
This is a book you work with and experience. 

Now, back to this "You Create Your Reality" thing I was saying.
I'm saying that You Create Your Reality with Your Thoughts, Words, and Actions. I'm also saying that this might be easier to understand than "You Attract what You Think".

Here is a simple example of it: 

You and I have just created a Reality in which You are reading these words.
I wrote them.
You read them.
Without me writing them, You wouldn't be in a Reality in which You're reading them. And without You choosing to read them, You wouldn't be in a Reality in which You are reading them.

Here is another one:

If you were to think of something right now, You would have created a Reality in which You thought of that something.
This is a completely different Reality from one in which You did not think of that.
And this process of Creation goes from Thoughts, Words, and Actions. The way You think determines the way You speak and the way You act.
This is all part of that process of Creation.

But it's not just You.
It's all of us.
This is why I say You are in a Process of Co-Creation.

I think the Conversations with God series, by Neale Donald Walsch, also speaks about that as well...though in quite different wordings.
But, the very idea of You are in a Process of Co-Creation is quite present and quite explained.

What does any of this have to do with Marketing or Business?

It's the Spiritual Aspect of it.
It's the very concept behind everything you're doing in your business. 
It's the understanding that drives the way You do Your Business.

Like Joe Vitale likes to say, You can have, do, or be anything You wish to have, do, or be.

It all starts with Your Thoughts.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Ok, here is what it comes down to: The Gist of it is that Beyond Marketing is based on the application of the very principles of what I refer to as Aikizendo in Marketing and Business.
In fact, IT IS the application of the very principles of what I refer to as Aikizendo in Marketing and Business.
So, if you haven't read the other posts yet regarding Beyond Marketing, you just saved Yourself a lot of time, because that's what it's really about when it comes down to it.

Now, as for Aikizendo... it's talked about in the Book "The Sound of Silence" (which has also been mentioned in the other posts). You can find the book on Amazon and through this link: The Sound of Silence eBook : Zendo, Ernest: Kindle Store

It's really an Introduction, a hint as to what it really is about. What I refer to as Aikizendo has to be directly experienced. One can talk about it, of course. But the talking about it is not it.
It has to be directly known.

It's a Living Practice.

It has to be engaged.
And so is its application in Marketing and Business, in this sense.
This is why You're always welcome to engage it here in this Blog as well as all other platforms through which I express these contents. 

The email I can be reached at:

I am also reachable on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc) in many different ways.

All of my links can be found here:

UNDERSTAND THIS: Beyond Marketing is about using the Tools based on the Principles of what I only refer to as Aikizendo to give Your Business or Marketing A WHOLE DIFFERENT DIMENSION.
It's about taking Inspired Actions regarding Your Business.
It's about taking Inspired Actions regarding Your Marketing.
And it's about Allowing Yourself to have the space to be able to take those needed Inspired Actions. This is what will give Your Business or Marketing this WHOLE DIFFERENT DIMENSION that I'm talking about.

So, You can take Inspired Action NOW and Reach Out! 

I value a direct, one and one interaction. So, You will always have to deal with me personally.

Reach Out!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


 Ok, first of...if this is the first post you're seeing here regarding what Beyond Marketing is all about, I suggest you look at the 2 prior posts I've made.
The first one explains what Beyond Marketing is all about. And the second one explains the "Beyond" part of Beyond Marketing.

So...take a little time and go over them first.

I'll wait.


Now, in the post where I explained the "Beyond" part of Beyond Marketing, I made it clear that the approach was giving the simple act of doing Marketing a Spiritual Dimension.

I understand this may not be easy to digest for some.
Or even if you can understand it and digest it (as I said), you may not be willing to go with it simply because of the're just not into the Spiritual stuff. You may even think that it has something to do with belief in this and that, and simply...You're just not into all that.

It's understandable, trust me.
But, you got to understand that what I'm taking about here does not require You to believe anything. Especially not something you cannot directly experience.
In such, the Spiritual Dimension that I'm saying can be assigned to Marketing is something that can be directly experienced.

By the way, just in case you might think that Spirituality and Marketing don't mix, there is a book called "Spiritual Marketing" by Joe Vitale you might want to read.
So, this is nothing new.
What I'm talking about here is nothing new.
It's Nothing Special.

Now, what I'm talking about here in terms of Beyond Marketing is a little bit different from what you may find in Joe Vitale's book "Spiritual Marketing". The common part is that we're both saying that Spirituality and Marketing can work together. We're both telling you that there is no need to keep these two separated. They can work together.
In fact, they DO work together.
But the approach may be a bit different. We may not be using the same wording. We may not be putting it in the same contextual field.
So...the experience of it might be different. (I'm talking about the experience of Marketing and Spirituality as One, by the way.)
In any case, go ahead and read the book. It's a little book that is very direct, very precise, and says exactly what it needs to say. So, go ahead and get it. 
Read it.
We can even talk about it after, if you're interested. You can engage me regarding the book and explore with me how my approach might be different.
Like I said in the previous post, I'm always up for that.
I think of Spirituality as a Living Process. So, I'm always up to keep that process alive by engaging it. You can do so here in this blog, if you'd like. Or, you can do it by emailing me at:
Either way, I'll get back to you.

Interestingly enough, you can engage me about my own little book as well. It's called "The Sound of Silence" (written under the name Ernest Zendo) and expresses part of my own Spiritual Approach.

Now, it's not about Marketing specifically, but it deals with part of my approach to Spirituality. So, you may have something there with which to engage me...if so is what you wish to do.
So, go ahead, get the book.
Read it.
Engage it.
Then, engage me, if such is what You wish.

You can find the book here: The Sound of Silence eBook : Zendo, Ernest: Kindle Store 

But, keep in mind, it's not about Marketing. It simply expresses part of my Spiritual Approach.
This post is about Marketing.
This blog is about Marketing.
Joe Vitale's book, Spiritual Marketing, is about Marketing.
But not The Sound of Silence.
Nevertheless, You will find in it some of the same tools You will find me sharing with people when it comes to Marketing.

Again, it's really nothing special, because those tools of which I speak are tools that are available to all of us.
All the time.
So, It's Nothing Special.
Really... Nothing Special!

Saturday, February 17, 2024


I like to be direct, to be straight to the point and clear. I don't like to spend much time around things and not touch the subject matter, when the whole point is to touch the subject matter.
If it's something that we can't touch, fine.
I understand that.
But, if it's something that we not only can but are here for...what's with the waste of time?

Not everyone will agree with that, but that's my philosophy. 
That's how I've been approaching things for quite some time now.
In this day and age, I think it's important to be direct.
In these times of busyness, I think people could appreciate a little directness.

So... I like to be direct.
And in the spirit of being direct, when it comes to Beyond Marketing, the "Beyond" part has to do with the added spiritual dimension.
I say Beyond Marketing because it adds a little bit to your usual way of doing Marketing.
There is a spiritual philosophy behind it.
There is a sense of spirituality to the act of Marketing itself.
There is a mindset, and the mindset is a Spiritual Mindset.
So I say Beyond Marketing.
Because while it truly is about Marketing, the approach, the mindset, the principles behind the Actions that you're going to's quite Spiritual.

You're with me?


So, if you're reading this, I want you to be clear about this.
What really makes this Beyond Marketing is the mindset behind it. The mindset dictates the actions that you're going to take. 
It sets the rules. 
You take away the mindset that I wish to share with you, and it's just Marketing.
That's all you're left with.

Nothing wrong with just Marketing, by the way.
That's not what I'm saying.
Lots of businesses do about well with just marketing. So, I wouldn't bash it.
I'm not in the business of bashing that which is not of mine.
But, what I'm saying is that when you add this spiritual dimension to how you do marketing, you get to experience Marketing in a brand new way.
It's a completely different experience.

Would you have thought that simply doing marketing work could be a Spiritual Practice?

Well, that's what I'm saying, though.
It can be.
It is!

So if you're interested in learning more about it, you can always follow this blog and stay in touch with what I share here.
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
Try this link: and find all my links there, social media and all.
You can even write me at: and engage me directly. I'm always up for a direct interaction.
In fact, I prefer it. 
You can also leave a comment here on this blog.
This, too, I don't mind.

There is a lot more that I mean by "Spirituality" than what you might think. This is why I'm asking you to keep in touch.
With the posting.
With the Social Media sharing.
With me via the many mediums that I choose to express myself.
Engage me directly.

While you're at it, check out this book that deals with the very spirit of my practice on Amazon:
Writing is one of the many ways that I express myself, and this book is one of these expressions.
So is Ernest Zendo (who you will find as the author of this book).
It's also in the that I've just shared here as well.

Now, I'm gonna leave you with something that's gonna be very important in getting the essence of my practice, which is also behind Beyond Marketing.
You might want to pay attention...and even write this down:

"It's Nothing Special".

Saturday, February 3, 2024


I figured I'd start with the obvious.
Forget the welcome.
Just go straight to the question: Why BEYOND MARKETING?

And the answer is simple, really. It's because it's really BEYOND MARKETING. What I talk about, the tools that I offer and try to communicate with clients, the things that I intend on talking about here as well on this platform, it's not just Marketing.

My intent is to take my clients where they are and to point them and their business to dimensions BEYOND MARKETING.
So, I hope you'd find it, at least, interesting here.

And now I can say.... Welcome!


 B3yond Mark3ting follows The Laws of Creation. This is the first thing we have to be clear on. And in the context of The Laws of Creation, ...